Research Paper About Social Media: A Good Sample For You
At present 2.46 billion people are using social media. This number is estimated to go up to 3.02 billion by 2021. This isn’t surprising as according to a survey in the US, more than 80% of teens use social media.
So what is social media?
Social media are internet based applications or tools, which allow exchange of ideas and information between its users. The trend of social media started in the late 90’s with the rising popularity of several sites. Since then many social media sites have popped up and currently there are more than 60 active social media sites.
What qualifies a site as social media?
As social media is a digital platform for exchange, it has some distinct features.
- User account:
- Profile page:
- Connectivity tools:
- Updating, posting or saving information:
- Reacting to the information:
- Notifications:
- Personalization:
A social media site will ask the visitor to create their own account. A visitor cannot share information or interact with others if he doesn’t ‘log on’ to his account or doesn’t have one.
As these sites are for communication, a profile page is required, which represent the user. This page has personal and professional information, photograph and email address of the user. Sometimes the mail id is verified through a link.
Users and connect with other users and tag them as friends or followers. They can access the information posted by other users. They can create groups with other users and also subscribe to certain types of information. A user also can ‘de friend’ or block any user from using the information posted by him
The user will be able to update or post any information. There might be some technical restrictions about the file size or photograph or video resolution though. They also would be able to save similar information from the site. The information posted by a user is available to other users in real time and is displayed in a portion of the profile page specific for this purpose.
Social media sites allow the user to react to the information posted by others. This is usually through different buttons and emoticons. Some sites also have features for the user to rate or vote or rank the information.
These sites notify the user about the information updated by another user. A user has control over notifications and can choose the type of information he wants to be notified about.
Social media sites allow users to configure customize and modify the user settings and profiles. They can organize their friends, followers, groups and manage the information they receive.
Social media has become an essential part of life. They are also used by organizations and individuals in reacting to issues and forming public opinions. This mode of reacting is becoming quite common and in few instances has been effective. Business houses and organizations are increasingly using social media to market and promote products and services, connect to existing customers and find new ones. It is to be seen how we use this aspect of the web in future to our benefit.
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